Liability disclaimer
The hardware and/or software was created and tested by Hilscher
Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH with utmost care and is made
available as is. No warranty can be assumed for the performance or
flawlessness of the hardware and/or software under all application
conditions and scenarios and the work results achieved by the user when
using the hardware and/or software. Liability for any damage that may have
occurred as a result of using the hardware and/or software or the
corresponding documents shall be limited to an event involving willful intent
or a grossly negligent violation of a fundamental contractual obligation.
However, the right to assert damages due to a violation of a fundamental
contractual obligation shall be limited to contract-typical foreseeable
It is hereby expressly agreed upon in particular that any use or utilization of
the hardware and/or software in connection with
Flight control systems in aviation and aerospace;
Nuclear fusion processes in nuclear power plants;
Medical devices used for life support and
Vehicle control systems used in passenger transport
shall be excluded. Use of the hardware and/or software in any of the
following areas is strictly prohibited:
For military purposes or in weaponry;
For designing, engineering, maintaining or operating nuclear systems;
In flight safety systems, aviation and flight telecommunications systems;
In life-support systems;
In systems in which any malfunction in the hardware and/or software
may result in physical injuries or fatalities.
You are hereby made aware that the hardware and/or software was not
created for use in hazardous environments, which require fail-safe control
mechanisms. Use of the hardware and/or software in this kind of
environment shall be at your own risk; any liability for damage or loss due
to impermissible use shall be excluded.
Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH hereby guarantees that
the software shall run without errors in accordance with the requirements
listed in the specifications and that there were no defects on the date of
acceptance. The warranty period shall be 12 months commencing as of the
date of acceptance or purchase (with express declaration or implied, by
customer's conclusive behavior, e.g. putting into operation permanently).
The warranty obligation for equipment (hardware) we produce is 36
months, calculated as of the date of delivery ex works. The aforementioned
provisions shall not apply if longer warranty periods are mandatory by law
pursuant to Section 438 (1.2) BGB, Section 479 (1) BGB and Section 634a
(1) BGB [Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch; German Civil Code] If, despite of all
due care taken, the delivered product should have a defect, which already
netANALYZER device NANL-B500G-RE | Installation, operation and hardware description
DOC091110UM26EN | Revision 26 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2007-2019