Table of contents
Table of contents
Obligation to read and understand the manual................................................. 5
Exceeding permissible supply voltage ............................................................ 15
Exceeding permissible signaling voltage ........................................................ 15
Exceeding the permissible current consumption at the external I/O interface .....
Damage of externally attached hardware ....................................................... 16
Assignment of wrong IP addresses, malfunction (NANL-B500G-RE) ............ 17
Power drop during write and delete accesses in the file system .................... 17
Exceeding the maximum number of permitted write and delete accesses ..... 17
Maximum permissible current consumption (external IO interface) ............................... 24
Requirements NANL-B500G-RE (Autonomous operating mode) .................................. 25
Exceeding permissible supply voltage ............................................................ 29
Exceeding permissible signaling voltage ........................................................ 29
Exceeding the permissible current consumption at the external I/O interface .....
Damage of externally attached hardware ....................................................... 30
netANALYZER device NANL-B500G-RE | Installation, operation and hardware description
DOC091110UM26EN | Revision 26 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2007-2019