[User Accounts :]
Sets the user account of T2. A user account is
required when you access the WatchFolder or
direct access folder in the internal storage.
By tapping this, the dialog box to configure the
user account settings of T2 will be displayed. To
enable the settings, you must restart your T2.
User Accounts setting dialog box
[Watch Folder]
Monitors the specified WatchFolder and performs
import operation automatically. To enable the
settings, you must restart your T2.
Importing a media file on WatchFolder
[Destination :]
Selects the saving destination bin for the media
files to be imported.
[Set folder in local storage as watch folder]
By checking, monitors the shared folder of the
internal storage as WatchFolder.
Indicates the WatchFolder name, and user name
and password to access the WatchFolder. To
enable the settings, you must restart your T2.
[Set external folder in external media / storage as
watch folder]
By checking, allows to set a folder on an external
media or storage as WatchFolder. To enable the
settings, you must restart your T2.
[Path :]
Specifies the folder to monitor as WatchFolder.
T2 Elite 2/Pro 2/Express 2/Elite/Pro/Express User Manual
May 16, 2016
Section 10 ― Settings