R1-VTR batch mode
[Load Batch
Capture List]
Imports the batch capture list (CSV, ALE, FCL
[Delete Batch
Capture Item]
Deletes a batch capture item.
You can also perform the same operation by
selecting and right-clicking an item, and then
clicking [Delete].
[Move Up]/
[Move Down]
Sorts the batch capture items.
Selecting an item and clicking [Move Up] or
[Move Down] moves an item up or down by
one line.
You can also perform the same operation by
selecting and right-clicking an item, and then
clicking [Move Up] or [Move Down].
Batch capture
Displays the recording progress. When an error
occurs, displays the error detail.
Displays the serial number corresponding to
the suffix of the clip name generated after the
batch capture.
Displays the reel name.
May 16, 2016
T2 Elite 2/Pro 2/Express 2/Elite/Pro/Express User Manual
Recording sources at once (batch capturing)