Video Format
Under Video Resolution section, you can set up to 4 video formats with different codec
(H.264 or MJPEG) and resolution. Then, you can select this pre-defined video formats from
the Home Page at Video Format. Refer to
3.3 Set Up Video Resolution
for more details
Click on <Save> to confirm the setting.
Dual streaming is only supported when stream 1 is set to H.264.
Text Overlay Settings
Users can select the items to display data including date/time/text on the live video pane. The
maximum length of the string is 20 alphanumeric characters.
Click on <Save> to confirm the Text Overlay setting.
Video Rotate Type
Users can change video display type if necessary. Selectable video rotate types include
Normal, Flip, Mirror, 90 degree clockwise, 180 degree rotate and 90 degree counterclockwise.
Differences among these types are illustrated as below.
Suppose the displayed image of the IP Camera is shown as the figure below.
Figure 4-31
To rotate the image, users can select <Flip>, for instance. Then the displayed image will be
reversed as shown below.