Appendix C: Setting Up Internet Security
If ActiveX control installation is blocked, either set Internet security level to default or change
ActiveX controls and plug-ins settings.
Internet Security Level: Default
Step 1:
Start the Internet Explorer (IE).
Step 2:
Click on the <Tools> tab on the menu bar and select <Internet Options>.
Step 3:
Click on the <Security> tab, and select <Internet> zone.
Step 4:
Down the page, click on the <Default Level> button and click on <OK> to confirm the
setting. Close the browser window, and restart a new one later to access the IP
Speed Dome Camera.
ActiveX Controls and Plug-ins Settings
Step 1:
Repeat Step 1~3 of the previous section above.
Step 2:
Down the page, click on the <Custom Level> button to change ActiveX controls and
plug-ins settings. The Security Settings window will pop up.
Step 3:
Under <ActiveX controls and plug-ins>, set ALL items (as listed below) to
<Enable> or <Prompt>. Note that the items vary by IE version.
ActiveX controls and plug-ins settings:
1. Allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without prompt.
2. Allow
3. Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls.
4. Binary and script behaviors.
5. Display video and animation on a webpage that does not use external media player.
6. Download signed ActiveX controls.
7. Download unsigned ActiveX controls.
8. Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting.
9. Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins.
Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting.
Step 4:
Click on <OK> to accept the settings and close the Security Settings window.
Step 5:
Click on <OK> to close the Internet Options screen.
Step 6:
Close the browser window, and restart a new one later for accessing the Camera.