Device information
When users insert the Micro SD/SDHC card, the card information such as the memory
capacity and status will be shown at Device Information section.
When the memory card is successfully installed, the memory card status shall be shown at
<Device information> section in the Storage Management page.
Device setting
Click on the <Format> button to format the memory card.
Disk cleanup setting
Users can enable automatic recordings cleanup by specifying the time and storage limits.
Recording List
Each video file on the Micro SD/SDHC card will be listed in the Recording list. The maximum
file size is 60 MB/per file.
When the recording mode is set as <Always> (consecutive recording) and the Micro SD/
SDHC card recording is also allowed to be enabled by events triggered, once events occur,
the system will immediately implement events recording to the memory card. Then the IP
Camera will return to the regular recording mode after events recording.
To remove a file, select the file first, and then click on the <Remove> button.
Click on the <Sort> button, and the files in the Recording list will be listed in name and
date order.
The capital letter A/M/R appears in the very beginning of name
denotes the sort of the recording: A stands for Alarm; M stands for Motion; R
stands for regular recording.
To open/download a video clip, select the file first, and then click on the <download>
button below the Recording list field. The selected file window will pop up. Click on the
AVI file to directly play the video in the player or download it to a specified location.