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TIME cursors check:
Using a softkey, select time cursors (//).
Press the READOUT softkey and select
T from the menu.
Press the RETURN softkey.
Turn the
control so that the dotted line is approximately 2 divisions to the
right of the dashed line.
Turn the TRACK control so that the dashed line coincides exactly with the first
negative edge of the signal.
Turn the
control so that the dotted line coincides exactly with the second
negative edge of the signal.
Check for a time cursor readout of approximately 500
s in the top of the
display area.
Press the ANALOG key (’ANALOG MODE’ is displayed briefly). The
oscilloscope is now in analog mode.
Verify that the cursors are on the first and second negative slope of the
waveform. If necessary readjust them using the TRACK and
Check for a time cursor readout of approximately 500
s in the top of the
display area.
Press the TEXT OFF key and verify that the CRT softkey text disappears.
Press the TEXT OFF key again and verify that only the signal, the cursors, and
the cursor readout value are displayed.
Press the TEXT OFF key to obtain full information again in the viewing area.