3 - 11
Horizontal section, X-deflection.
Connect a probe to the CH1 input.
Connect the probe tip to the Probe Adjust output socket.
Press the AUTOSET key.
Press the AMPL keys to adjust to an input sensitivity of 100mV/div.
Press the MAIN TB TIME/DIV keys to adjust to 100
Verify that a square wave as shown in fig. 3.3 is displayed.
X-defection check:
Press the CH2 ON key to turn CH2 on.
Press the CH1 ON key to turn CH1 off.
Press the DISPLAY menu key.
Press the X-DEFL softkey in the DISPLAY menu.
Select ’on’ and ’ch1’ as X-SOURCE in the X-DEFL menu.
Verify that two points with a horizontal distance of approximately 6 divisions
are displayed.
Connect a probe to the CH1 input.
Connect the probe tip to the Probe Adjust output socket.
Press the AUTOSET key.
Adjust the CH1 AMPL key pair to obtain an input sensitivity of 100mV/div.
Adjust the MAIN TB TIME/DIV keys to100
Verify that a square wave with an amplitude of 6 divisions is displayed.
VOLT cursors check:
Press the CURSORS menu key; the CURSORS menu appears at the CRT
Use the softkeys to select ’on’ and volt cursors (=).
Verify that a dashed and a dotted horizontal line (the volt cursors) appear on
the screen.
Press the READOUT softkey and select
V from the menu.
Press softkey RETURN.
Use the TRACK control to position the dashed line exactly on the bottom level
of the waveform.
Use the
control to position the dotted line exactly on the top level of the
waveform as shown in figure 3.10.
Check for a volt cursor readout of approximately 600 mV in the top of the
display area.