4 - 46
17 -
Verify that the DEL’D TB stays well triggered at signal amplitudes of
0.6 divisions and more.
18 -
Increase the input frequency to 100 MHz (60 MHz).
19 -
Increase the input voltage to 1.2 division.
20 -
Operate the
control (controls the DEL’D TB trigger level).
21 -
Verify that the DEL’D TB is well triggered at all amplitudes of 1.2 division
or more.
22 -
Increase the input frequency to 200 MHz (150 MHz).
23 -
Adjust the input voltage to 2 divisions.
24 -
Verify that the DEL’D TB is well-triggered at signal amplitudes of
2 divisions and more. Signal must be in vertical center of screen. Adjust
control (DEL’D TB trigger level) if necessary.
M3384B: repeat the procedure for CH2, CH3 and CH4 for the frequencies
50 kHz (0.6 division input signal) and 200 MHz (2 division input signal).
PM3370B/80B: repeat the procedure for CH2 and the EXT TRIG input for the
frequencies 50 kHz (0.6 division input signal) and 200 MHz (150 MHz) (2 division
input signal).
Press the ANALOG key (’DIGITAL MODE’ is displayed briefly), and repeat the
tests in this chapter for the digital mode.
Then press the ANALOG key (’ANALOG MODE’ is displayed briefly) to return to
analog mode.
Trigger sensitivity in logic mode PM3394B
The trigger sensitivity in the logic mode ’pattern’ depends on the amplitude and
frequency of the trigger signal. In this test, the trigger sensitivity is tested with a
sine wave via the CH1, CH2, CH3, and CH4 inputs.
Test equipment:
Fluke 5500A mode: levsine (Alternative: constant amplitude sine wave generator
SG 503).