3 - 2
Trace alignment:
Turn the oscilloscope on with the POWER ON OFF key.
Press the STATUS and TEXT OFF keys simultaneously. This ensures that the
oscilloscope is in the default mode. The default mode is the basis of this brief
checking procedure.
Press the AUTOSET key.
Turn the TRACE INTENSITY control so that a clearly visible horizontal line
appears on the CRT.
Press the TEXT OFF key when no text is present on the CRT. Turn the TEXT
INTENSITY control so that clearly visible text appears on the CRT.
Turn the FOCUS control to make the line and text look as sharp as possible
across the CRT area.
Turn the GRATICULE ILLUMINATION control so that the desired illumination
of the measuring graticule is obtained.
Verify that the trace on the CRT is exactly parallel to the horizontal lines of the
measuring raster; if not, correct this with a small screwdriver on the TRACE
ROTATION control.
Instrument calibration.
Press the CAL key for two seconds: this starts the AUTOCALibration procedure.
Wait until the normal display appears again. The oscilloscope calibration is now
Probe adjustment:
Connect a 10 : 1 probe to the CH1 input.
Connect the probe tip to the Probe Adjust output socket.
Press the green AUTOSET key.
Verify that a square-wave signal is displayed on the CRT.
Verify that top and bottom of the square wave are straight: if not, this must be
corrected by adjusting the probe. The correction is done with a small
screwdriver. This adjustment is made in the box at the oscilloscope input side
of the probe: refer to figure 3.1 for this.