CyberCat 50 Operation Manual
UL S2203
Rev 4, 08/2013
P/N: 06-368-2
FM 3029134
Certain jurisdictions require a silence reminder. This feature requires that the panel produce a momentary
pulse from the panel piezo/buzzer following the silencing of outputs. If this is configured to be ENABLED, the
momentary piezo pulse is ½ second long every 14 seconds on a silenced panel.
3.1.5 STATE
The CyberCat 50 can count states to create an activation of an output. The state counters are created from
Eclipse addressable devices ONLY (e.g., If zone 1 has several alarms, the output can be programmed to
activate upon receipt of 2 alarms total). VESDA does not participate in State Counters.
The CyberCat 50 cannot be connected to Fike’s standard panel network (RS485 or Fiber Optic) that allows
two-way communication between panels. However, when equipped with Fike’s Ethernet Module (P/N 10-
2627), the panel can be remotely monitored by another panel equipped with an Ethernet module over the
facilities Local Area Network (LAN). Communication between the Ethernet module and the host control panel
is one-way only; therefore, it cannot be used for true panel networking which requires two-way communication
between panels.
Even though the CyberCat 50 cannot participate in the standard panel network, its menu system still contains
configuration and diagnostic functions that pertain to panel networking as these options are required to
properly configure the Ethernet Module for panel monitoring. Refer to Fike document 06-388, “Ethernet
Module” for more information.
This feature is enabled or disabled for all outputs connected to the panel. When enabled, an Alarm signal
from an automatic fire detection device shall be Acknowledged at the main panel display, remote keypad or
input module within 15 seconds after annunciation of the Alarm event in order to initiate the alarm
investigation phase. Annunciation to this point consists of only the CyberCat 50 local piezo sounder and the
event message on the main panel display and/or remote display. If the alarm signal is not acknowledged
within 15 seconds, all notification circuits assigned to the same zone as the initiating device will be activated
During the Alarm investigation phase, trained personnel have up to 180 seconds to evaluate the fire condition
and reset the panel. If the panel is not reset during this investigation phase, all notification circuits assigned
to the same zone as the initiating device will be activated upon expiration of the 180 second investigation
phase. If a second automatic fire detector is actuated during the alarm investigation phase, or any other
initiating device (such as manual alarm station) is actuated, all notification circuits assigned to the same zone
as the initiating device will be activated immediately.
A means has been provided to bypass this feature without re-configuring the panel. An input module
configured with the PAS INHIBIT function will disable this feature temporarily while the module is activated
and produce a trouble event. The module must be returned to its normal status to re-enable the positive
alarm sequence feature. This will clear the trouble event from the module actuation and restore the system
to normal operation.