CANopen Firmware
Manual • Doc.-No.: C.3034.21 / Rev. 1.2
Page 45 of 123
8. CANopen Firmware
Apart from basic descriptions of CANopen, this chapter contains the most significant information about
the implemented functions.
A complete CANopen description is too extensive for the purpose of this manual.
Further information can therefore be taken from the CANopen documentation [1] and [4].
8.1 Definition of Terms
COB ...
Communication Object
Emergency Data Object
Network Management (Master)
Service Data Object
Sync(frame) Telegram
PDOs (Process Data Objects)
PDOs are used to transmit process data.
In the ‘Transmit’-PDO (TPDO) the CAN-CBX-module transmits data to the CANopen network.
In the ‘Receive’-PDO (RPDO) the CAN-CBX-module receives data from the CANopen network.
SDOs (Service Data Objects)
SDOs are used to transmit module internal configuration- and parameter data. In opposition to the
PDOs SDO-messages are confirmed. A write or read request on a data object is always answered by
a response telegram with an error index.