Seiko Epson Corporation
- Supports both MSB first and LSB first modes.
- Data transfer timing (clock phase and polarity variations) is selectable from among 4 types.
- Can generate receive buffer full, transmit buffer empty, and overrun error interrupts.
- Supports DMA transfer.
• I
C mode
- Supports both master (single master only) and slave modes.
- 7-bit addressing mode (10-bit addressing is possible by software control.)
- Supports clock stretch/wait functions.
- Can generate start/stop, data transfer, ACK/NAK transfer, and overrun error interrupts.
Universal Serial Interface with Built-in RAM LCD interface (USIL)
• Multi-serial I/O that can be used as a UART, SPI, I
C, or built-in RAM LCD interface module
• Contains 1-byte receive data buffer and 1-byte transmit data buffer.
• UART mode
- Character length: 7 or 8 bits
- Parity mode: even, odd, or no parity
- Stop bit: 1 or 2 bits (start bit: 1 bit fixed)
- Supports both MSB first and LSB first modes.
- Parity error, framing error, and overrun error detectable
- Can generate receive buffer full, transmit buffer empty, and receive error interrupts.
- Supports DMA transfer.
• SPI mode
- Supports both master and slave modes.
- Data length: 8 bits fixed
- Supports both MSB first and LSB first modes.
- Data transfer timing (clock phase and polarity variations) is selectable from among 4 types.
- Can generate receive buffer full, transmit buffer empty, and overrun error interrupts.
- Supports DMA transfer.
• I
C mode
- Supports both master (single master only) and slave modes.
- 7-bit addressing mode (10-bit addressing is possible by software control.)
- Supports clock stretch/wait functions.
- Can generate start/stop, data transfer, ACK/NAK transfer, and overrun error interrupts.
• LCD SPI mode
- Data length is configurable for 8 bits, 16 bits, 18 bits (4 data format) and 24 bits + CMD bit.
- CMD bit or A0 is selectable.
- Data transfer timing (clock phase and polarity variations) is selectable from among 4 types.
- Can generate transmit buffer empty interrupts.
- Supports DMA transfer.
• LCD parallel interface mode
- Provides 8-bit data bus, #CS, #RD, #WR and A0 control signals.
- Supports byte read/write access mode only.
- Can generate transmit buffer empty and receive buffer full interrupts.
- Supports DMA transfer for both data transmission and reception.
- Access timings can be controlled using T8F. The setup cycle (1 to 4), hold cycle (1 to 4), and wait cycle (1
to 16) are configurable.
Serial Interface with FIFO (FSIO)
• Two channels of clock synchronous/asynchronous serial interface
• Contains FIFO data buffers (4-byte receive data buffer and 2-byte transmit data buffer are available for each
• Supports IrDA1.0-equivalent communications by software control or using an external IrDA driver.
• Contains a baud-rate generator (12-bit programmable timer).
• Can generate receive buffer full, transmit buffer empty, and receive error interrupts.
• Supports DMA transfer.