Seiko Epson Corporation
16-bit Audio PWM Timer (T16P)
• One channel of 16-bit timer/counter with PWM output function
• Three bit division modes are provided. (10 bits + 6 bits, 9 bits + 7 bits, 8 bits + 8 bits)
• Supports 8, 16, 22.05, 32, 44.1, and 48 kHz sampling rates.
• Audio PWM function supporting 8-bit and 16-bit PCM data (mono)
• Can output monophonic sound without using an external DAC (external resistors and capacitors are re-
• Supports fine mode to control pulse widths with high accuracy.
• Supports a digital volume control function.
• Can generate two types of compare-match interrupts.
• Supports DMA transfer.
8-bit Timers (T8, T8F)
• T8F: four channels of 8-bit timer with fine mode (presettable down counter)
T8: four channels of 8-bit timer without fine mode
• Clocks generated with the counter underflow can be output to internal devices.
- The T8F Ch.0 can be used as the USI clock generator.
- The T8F Ch.3 can be used as the USIL clock generator.
- The T8F Ch.2 can be used to trigger the ADC10.
• Each timer can generate underflow interrupts.
16-bit PWM Timer (T16A5)
• Two channels of 16-bit timer with a counter capture/comparison functions
• Each channel has built-in two comparison/capture data buffers.
• Can generate compare/capture interrupts.
• Supports DMA transfer.
Watchdog Timer (WDT)
• 30-bit watchdog timer to generate an NMI or a reset
• Programmable watchdog timer overflow period (NMI or reset interrupt period)
• The watchdog timer overflow signal can be output outside the IC.
Real Time Clock (RTC)
• Contains time counters (seconds, minutes, and hours) and calendar counters (days, days of the week, months,
and year).
• 24-hour or 12-hour mode can be selected.
• Operates with an independent power supply (RTCV
) separated from system power (operable while the
system power is off).
• Provides the WAKEUP output pin and #STBY input pin to control standby mode.
• Can generate periodic interrupts.
Universal Serial Interface (USI)
• Multi-serial I/O that can be used as a UART, SPI, or I
C module
• Contains 1-byte receive data buffer and 1-byte transmit data buffer.
• UART mode
- Character length: 7 or 8 bits
- Parity mode: even, odd, or no parity
- Stop bit: 1 or 2 bits (start bit: 1 bit fixed)
- Supports both MSB first and LSB first modes.
- Parity error, framing error, and overrun error detectable
- Can generate receive buffer full, transmit buffer empty, and receive error interrupts.
- Supports DMA transfer.
• SPI mode
- Supports both master and slave modes.
- Data length: 8 or 9 bits (master mode), 8 bits fixed (slave mode)