A20 Inverter Overload
Output current exceeds the inverter rated current – persistent condition: Imax +20% for 3 seconds; Imax for 60 seconds
S70); Imax for 120 seconds (S05
S30). See column “Imax”, Table 6.4 (IFD SW) or 7.4 (VTC SW).
SOLUTION: Check the inverter output current under normal operating conditions (par. M03, MEASURE submenu) and
any mechanical condition of the load (overload or load locked during duty cycle).
A21 Heatsink Overheated
Heatsink overheated with fan on.
SOLUTION: Make sure that the ambient temperature does not exceed 40°C, that motor current is properly
programmed and that carrier frequency is not exceeding the application ratings (IFD SW only).
A22 Motor Overheated
Software thermal protection of the connected motor tripped. Output current has been exceeding the motor rated
current for a long time.
SOLUTION: Check the load mechanical conditions. A22 trip depends on programming of parameters C70, C71, C72
(IFD SW) or C65, C66, C67 (VTC SW). Make sure that these parameters were properly set at the inverter startup (see
A23 Autotune interrupted (VTC SW only)
Alarm A32 trips if ENABLE (terminal 6) opens before the autotuning procedure is over.
A24 Motor not connected (VTC SW only)
Alarm A24 trips during autotuning or DCB stage if the motor is not connected or does not match with the inverter size
(rated power lower than minimum programmable value for C04).
A25 Mains loss (IFD SW only)
Mains failure. Alarm A25 is active only if parameter C34 is set to [YES] (factory setting is [NO]). This alarm may be
delayed through parameter C36 (Power delay time).
A30 D.C. Link Overvoltage
DC link overvoltage.
SOLUTION: Make sure that supply voltage is not over 10% for class 2T, 10% for class 4T ,
10% for class 5T, 10% for class 6T.
A highly inertial load or a too short deceleration ramp may activate A30 (parameters P06, P08, P10, P12, RAMPS
submenu). Increase deceleration ramp time or make use of resistive braking module if a short stop time is required.
A30 may trip even if the motor is pulled by the load (eccentric load). Make use of resistive braking module.
A31 D.C. Link Undervoltage
Supply voltage has dropped below 200VAC – 25% for class 2T, 380VAC – 35% for class 4T, 500VAC – 15% for class
5T, 600VAC – 15% for class 6T.
SOLUTION: Make sure that voltage is supplied to all three phases (terminals 32, 33, 34) and that the measured value
is not under the above–mentioned voltage values.
A31 may trip even if supply voltage temporarily drops below 200VAC (e.g. load direct connection).
If voltage values are normal, please contact ELETTRONICA SANTERNO’s AFTER–SALES SERVICE.