KGL Operating Manual – VS 3010 BS
134 178
Z1 compressors: 1..n compressor stages: 1..max. 3/7, depending on system configuration
Z2 compressors: n+1..max. compressor stages: 2..max. 4/8, depending on system configuration
Number of Z1 compressor number of Z2 compressor stages = max. 4/8 total compressor stages
Screen 2-1-b Cylinder head temperatures analogue values Z2
Cyl. temp. Cn+1 XX °C
Display of Z2 compressor (stage n+1) cylinder head temperature
Only the actual number of compressors is displayed
Cyl. temp. Cmax XX °C
Cylinder head temperature display
Base module: max. number of total compressor stages: 4
with first SIOX extension module max. number of total compressor stages: 8
Z1 compressors: 1..n compressor stages: 1..max. 3/7, depending on system configuration
Z2 compressors: n+1..max. compressor stages: 2..max. 4/8, depending on system configuration
Number of Z1 compressor number of Z2 compressor stages = max. 4/8 total compressor stages
Menu 2-2 Compressors Z1
M. cutout C1 XXX
Compressor 1 motor overload cutout digital input (only displayed if parametrised in the system configuration - menu 3-1)
Öldruck V1 XXX
Compressor 1 low oil pressure switch digital input (only displayed if parametrised in the system configuration - menu 3-1)
Handsch. S1 XXX
ON-OFF-AUTOMATIC compressor 1 manual control switch
Comp. stage 1 XXX
Compressor stage 1 digital output
Only the actual number of compressors / compressor stages is displayed
M. cutout n XXX
Last Z1 compressor motor overload cutout digital input (only displayed if parametrised in the system configuration - menu
Öldruck n XXX
Last Z1 compressor low oil pressure switch digital input (only displayed if parametrised in the system configuration - menu
Handsch. n XXX
ON-OFF-AUTOMATIC last Z1 compressor stage manual control switch
Comp. stage n XXX
Last Z1 compressor stage capacity stage digital output
Base module: max. number of total compressor stages: 4
with first SIOX extension module max. number of total compressor stages: 8
Z1 compressors: 1..n compressor stages: 1..max. 3/7, depending on system configuration
Z2 compressors: n+1..max. compressor stages: 2..max. 4/8, depending on system configuration
Number of Z1 compressor number of Z2 compressor stages = max. 4/8 total compressor stages
Menu 2-3 Compressors Z2
M. cutout Cn+1 XXX
Compressor n+1 motor overload cutout digital input (only displayed if parametrised in the system configuration - menu 3-
Öldruck Vn+1 XXX
Compressor n+1 low oil pressure switch digital input (only displayed if parametrised in the system configuration - menu 3-
Handsch. Sn+1 XXX
ON-OFF-AUTOMATIC compressor n+1 manual control switch
Comp. stage n+1
Compressor stage 1 digital output
Only the actual number of compressors is displayed
M. cutout Cmax XXX
Compressor 8 motor overload cutout digital input (only displayed if parametrised in the system configuration - menu 3-1)
Öldruck Vmax XXX
Compressor 8 low oil pressure switch digital input (only displayed if parametrised in the system configuration - menu 3-1)