LP Panelized Baghouse 684LP - 882LP
12. Exhaust Ducting
Depending on the ducting configuration, some of the pieces of ducting can be attached to the clean-air outlet exhaust flange and
lifted at the same time. Any ducting that is attached to the clean-air outlet exhaust must be sufficiently supported along its length so
as not to damage the collector.
13. Ladder/Platform Installation
1. Attach the knee braces to the platform assembly shown on drawing(s) shipped with collector.
2. Lift the platform assembly into position.
Remove the hardware located where the platform assembly and knee braces will connect to the body panel flanges.
4. Position the platform assembly. Reinstall and tighten the existing hardware including the bolted connections for the platform
railing and knee braces.
Assemble the entire ladder sub-assembly per the drawing provided. Temporarily bolt the adjustable, bottom angle anchors to
the highest position.
If applicable, install the lower intermediate ladder support to the leg pack following the drawing provided.
7. Lift the completed ladder assembly into position and fasten to the platform assembly.
8. Install the remaining intermediate support(s). Match drill the ladder assembly per the drawing provided and attach to the
9. Loosen the bottom ladder section and position it to touch the collector foundation. Concrete anchors provided by the process
owner will be required to complete this connection.