LP Panelized Baghouse 684LP - 882LP
Confirm the cleaning arm rotation is correct.
a. Activate the cleaning arm drive motor to initiate rotation.
b. Observe arm rotation relative to the rotation label located on top of the sweep arm.
If the arm rotation is reversed, correct the rotation.
a. Turn off the collector and Lock-Out all energy sources.
Within the junction box, swap the connection location of two power leads on the terminal block, making certain not to
swap a power lead and the ground wire.
7. Ensure the Magnehelic gauge is properly installed and functioning. Refer to the included print for additional instruction.
8. Ensure all collector access panels and doors are sealed and secure.
Check that the hopper discharge gate is open and the storage container is properly sealed, if equipped.
10. Check and remove all loose items in or near the inlet and outlet of the collector.
11. Check that all remote controls are properly wired and all service switches are in the OFF position.
12. Ensure all bags and cages are installed and secure.
Ensure fire mitigation system water is installed and functioning correctly, if present.
14. Check that all optional accessories are installed properly and secured.