LP Panelized Baghouse 684LP - 882LP
1. Leg Assembly
Reference Typical Foundation Anchor and leg assembly drawing shipped with the collector prior to starting assembly.
2. Prepare the foundation or support framing in the selected location. Locate and install anchors.
3. Set the legs onto the pre-poured foundation and bolt tight.
4. Install all cross-braces spanning the legs using the 3/4-in supplied hardware.
5. Keep bolts partially tightened until the I-beam perimeter frame can be set into place.
6. Lay out the I-beam frame at grade level and install hardware hand tight.
Lift the I-beam frame onto the leg structure, ensuring frame is level and plumb.
8. Tighten all hardware.
Tighten all hardware before removing crane to
prevent personal injury and/or property damage.
I-beam frame
back to back angle
iron cross-bracing
Leg Assembly