UM_EN_DA270_DA280_DA370_DA380_m2015_2019-04_ver1.9 17 / 67
Last position
– return of the chair to the previous position / from rinsing position.
Programmable positions.
These serve to save and recall pre-set positions of the chair.
The units enables four arbitrary user positions
and three
special-purpose positions :
Anti-shock position (Trendelenburg)
– set by the manufacturer – not adjustable.
Rinsing position / Return from rinsing position
Getting-on position
Press the respective button to recall the desired position.
To program the position into the memory, set the chair to desired position and then predd and hold the button for the said
position for at least 2 seconds. Getting into program mode is indicated by beeping and changing of the colour of the
button frame. After the button has been released the position is written to the memory. If there is a danger of collision
with the bowl during setting the rinsing position, then the setting of the rinsing position is corrected automatically.
All programable position are saved separately for each user and are recalled from the memory automatically when the
user has been selected. At individual programmable positions, the movement of the bowl (if powered) is automated.
To move the chair in the upper half of the track is necessary that the bowl be in the home position.
If not, then move the chair is blocked and this is signaled by the error message E0210.
Also it blocked the movement of the chair to the programmed position, if that position requires movement of the chair in the
upper half of the track and the bowl is not in the position. Blocking in this case is indicated by a sound signal Tone--short
repeated as long as the bowl is relegated to the home position. Then the chair continues to move in the desired position.
When power operated bowl this retracts automatically.
If during the movement of the chair upwards, or the movement of the chair in the upper half of the track deflection bowl and
stops the chair! Blocking in this case is signaled by an audible signal short - long - short - long - short tone. Misu be returned
to the zero position and then repeat the command to move the chair.
The movement of the chair when striking the barrier stopped and switched to the opposite direction (backward movement
does not always occur when the backrest crash into obstacles).
The opposite movement continue until there is no release of the safety switch to stop and give the chair to an obstacle or
until the chair comes to an end position, if not to release the safety switch. During this movement echoes the warning beep
- repeating long tone. Watched them move the chair down, move the backrest backward, crashed on the assistant table
upwards. The impact to the assistant table to display medical error message E0211 - chair stops and an audible signal - 2
long beep. In this case, the return movement of the chair does not occur.
The manufacturer recommends to move the assistant table out of the chair trajectory before moving the chair to avoid the
collision of the chair with the assistant table and/or potential damage to the assistant table.