Retouching and restoring images
can continue dragging over the target area to fill in the source
image. Unmark the check box if you want every stroke to copy the
same data from the original source point.
If you want to clone data from all layers merged together, mark
the Use all layers check box. If you want to clone data from the
current layer only, unmark the check box.
On the source image, right-click the center point of the source
If the image has more than one layer, click the name of the layer
on the Layers palette before you define the source area.
Drag in the image where you want to paint the cloned area.
When you clone an image area, you must select a source area
with data.
If your image contains a selection, you must right-click within
the selection to set your clone source. If you are using a pen
tablet, you can achieve the same result by holding down Shift.
You can also hold down Shift and click the image to set the
source point.
You can resize the brush interactively by pressing Alt while
dragging in the image window.
To remove objects from a photo
Edit workspace
On the Tools toolbar, choose the Object Remover tool
On the Tool Options palette, choose the Selection Mode
button .
Drag around the object that you want to remove.
On the Tool Options palette, choose the Source Mode button .