Reviewing, organizing, and finding photos
Example of a video thumbnail
You can extract a frame from a video and save it as an image
by clicking the Pause button to stop the video on the frame that
you want to save, and clicking the Capture button
To rotate one or more images in the Organizer palette
Manage workspace
Select one or more thumbnails.
On the Organizer toolbar, click one of the following buttons:
• Rotate Right
— rotates thumbnails 90 degrees clockwise
• Rotate Left
— rotates thumbnails 90 degrees
You can also right-click a thumbnail and choose Rotate Right or
Rotate Left from the context menu.
To delete one or more photos in the Manage workspace
Select one or more thumbnails, and press Delete.
The Delete File dialog box or Delete Multiple Items dialog box
Click Yes to send the images to the Recycle Bin.
You can also right-click selected thumbnails, and choose Delete
in the context menu.