Working with layers
Click OK.
The new layer is added above the active layer. It is named with the
layer type and a number, such as “Vector 1.”
For more information about renaming layers, see “Renaming
layers” on page 153.
Only grayscale and 16 million–color images can have multiple
raster-based layers (Vector layers are the only non raster-based
layers). When you add a new raster-based layer to an image of
another color depth, such as a 256-color indexed image,
Corel PaintShop Pro automatically converts it to 16 million
Renaming layers
As you add layers to an image, you may find it convenient to rename
them so that they are easy to identify on the Layers palette.
To rename a layer
Edit workspace
On the Layers palette, click the layer you want to rename, pause a
moment, and click again.
The name appears highlighted in a box.
Type the new name in the box, and press Enter.
You can also rename a layer by double-clicking the layer to
display the Layer Properties dialog box and typing a new name
in the Name box.