Working with camera RAW photos
To adjust settings for a RAW photo
In the Camera RAW Lab dialog box, do any of the following:
• Drag the Brightness, Saturation, or Shadow sliders for a quick
overall image adjustment.
• In the White balance area, adjust color by clicking a preset
lighting option from the Scenario drop-list, or by clicking the
preview area to set the white point with the Dropper tool. You
can also adjust or fine-tune color with the Temperature and Tint
• In the Highlight recovery area, click an option in the drop-list.
Highlight recovery works particularly well on images that are
overexposed — it can help restore detail in blown-out areas.
• Drag the Threshold slider in the Reduce noise area to smooth
digital noise.
You can preview the changes to the photo in the Preview area.
If you want to keep the settings for future use, check the Save
image settings checkbox.
Click one of the following:
• Reset
resets the settings to their original values
• Edit
applies the settings and opens the photo in the Edit
workspace. When you edit a RAW photo, you must save it to a
JPEG, TIFF, or another writable file format.
• Apply
applies the settings, and exits the Camera RAW Lab
• Cancel
exits the Camera RAW Lab without adjusting the
photo’s settings
Image settings for RAW images are saved to a database.
Changes to the file name or file location can be tracked in the
database only if you make the changes in Corel PaintShop Pro.