8.5.4 Replacing the Dust-Filters
Fresh dust filters can reduce the amount of time spent on cleaning and calibration. The dust filters protect
your scanner
s air-cooling vents. Some scanner models are designed so users can replace the dust
filters. On other models, a service technician must perform this process. See your scanner
s model
specifications to see if the dust filters are user-replaceable on your scanner. Your scanner monitors usage
of the filters and will warn you when it is time for a replacement through a message in the iJET Panel
display window.
Replacing the Dust-filters:
On Scanners
Turn the scanner power off and disconnect the power plug.
2. Locate the square-shaped dust filter bin on the underside of the scanner.
3. Insert a screw-driver or other sharp tool under one of the bin
s edges to snap it down and detach it
from its frame.
4. The filter (soft material) is inside the bin. Remove the old filter and replace with a fresh one.
5. Reattach (click on) the bin to its frame on the underside of the scanner.