D15362.16 DX70 and DX80 Administrator Guide CE9.13, JUNE 2020.
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Cisco Webex DX70 and DX80
Administrator Guide
UserInterface Features Whiteboard Start
Choose whether or not to remove the default Whiteboard button from the user interface.
The setting removes only the button, not its functionality as such. This setting only applies
to Cisco Webex registered devices.
Requires user role: ADMIN, INTEGRATOR
Default value: Auto
Value space: Auto/Hidden
Auto: Shows the default button in the user interface.
Hidden: Removes the default button from the user interface.
UserInterface Language
Select the language to be used in the user interface. If the language is not supported, the
default language (English) will be used.
Requires user role: ADMIN, USER
Default value: English
Value space: Arabic/Catalan/ChineseSimplified/ChineseTraditional/Czech/Danish/Dutch/
Select a language from the list.
UserInterface OSD EncryptionIndicator
Define for how long the encryption indicator is shown on screen. The icon for encrypted
calls is a locked padlock.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: Auto
Value space: Auto/AlwaysOn/AlwaysOff
Auto: If the call is encrypted, a "Call is encrypted" notification is shown for 5 seconds.
Then, an encryption indicator icon is shown for the rest of the call.
If the call is not encrypted, a "Call is not encrypted" notification is shown for 5 seconds.
No encryption indicator icon is shown.
AlwaysOn: The “Call is encrypted” notification is shown for 5 seconds. Then, an
encryption indicator icon is shown for the rest of the call.
AlwaysOff: The encryption indicator is never displayed on screen.
UserInterface OSD HalfwakeMessage
A custom message can be displayed in the middle of the main screen when the device is
in the half wake state. The custom message will replace the default message, which gives
instructions how to start using the device. You can also delete the default message, without
adding a custom message.
Requires user role: ADMIN, INTEGRATOR
Default value: ""
Value space: String (0, 128)
The custom message. An empty string: Restore the default message. A space only:
There will be no message at all.
UserInterface OSD Output
Define on which monitor the on-screen information and indicators (OSD) should be
Requires user role: ADMIN, INTEGRATOR
Default value: Auto
Value space: Auto
Auto: The device sends the on-screen information and indicators to the device's screen.
Device settings
Device settings