D15362.16 DX70 and DX80 Administrator Guide CE9.13, JUNE 2020.
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Cisco Webex DX70 and DX80
Administrator Guide
Conference MicUnmuteOnDisconnect Mode
Define if the microphones shall be unmuted automatically when all calls are disconnected.
In a meeting room or other shared resources this may be done to prepare the device for the
next user.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: On
Value space: Off/On
Off: If muted during a call, let the microphones remain muted after the call is
On: Unmute the microphones after the call is disconnected.
Conference Multipoint Mode
Define how to expand a point-to-point video call (a call involving only two parties) into a
multipoint conference with more participants (ad hoc conferences). Different solutions
based on centralized infrastructure (multipoint control units – MCUs) are available.
Multiparty conferences may be set up via an MCU if you call an MCU that allows devices to
add participants to a conference (Direct Remote Add).
If registered to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) version 8.6.2 or newer,
the device also can use a CUCM conference bridge (set up by CUCM).
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: Auto
Value space: Auto/CUCMMediaResourceGroupList
Auto: You cannot call more than one video device. Multiparty conferences may be set
up via an MCU if you call an MCU that allows devices to add participants to a conference
(Direct Remote Add).
CUCMMediaResourceGroupList: Multiparty conferences are hosted by the CUCM
configured conference bridge. This setting is provisioned by CUCM in a CUCM
environment, and should never be set manually by the user.
Conference Presentation OnPlacedOnHold
Define whether or not to continue sharing a presentation after the remote site has put you
on hold.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: NoAction
Value space: NoAction/Stop
NoAction: The device will not stop the presentation sharing when put on hold. The
presentation will not be shared while you are on hold, but it will continue automatically
when the call is resumed.
Stop: The device stops the presentation sharing when the remote site puts you on hold.
The presentation will not continue when the call is resumed.
Device settings
Device settings