D15362.16 DX70 and DX80 Administrator Guide CE9.13, JUNE 2020.
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Cisco Webex DX70 and DX80
Administrator Guide
Logging settings
Logging CloudUpload Mode
Specify whether or not logs can be uploaded to the cloud by this device.
When enabled, the device will display an "Upload Logs" button on the user interface for the
video device and in Control Hub.
If the "Upload Logs" button is pressed, the device logs will be collected, filtered for
personally-identifiable information, and uploaded to the cloud. From there, the Administrator
can access the logs through the administration pages.
The device must either be registered to the Webex cloud service or registered to an on-
premises service and linked to Webex Edge for Devices.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: Off
Value space: Off/On
Off: Hide the "Upload Logs" button.
On: Display the "Upload Logs" button on a cloud-registered device.
Logging Debug Wifi
When this option in enabled, the device logs more information about the set-up and
maintenance of the Wi-Fi connection between the device and the access point. This may
be useful when you are troubleshooting Wi-Fi connection issues. We recommend that this
setting is Off if the Wi-Fi connection is working as expected.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: On
Value space: Off/On
Off: Logging only basic Wi-Fi information.
On: Logging a large amount of information about the Wi-Fi connection.
Logging External Mode
Specify whether or not to store the device logs on a remote syslog server. This setting has
no effect if the Logging Mode setting is set to Off.
You must enter the address of the remote server in the Logging External Server Address
setting. Unless otherwise specified in the Logging External Server Port setting, the standard
syslog port is used.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: Off
Value space: Off/On
Off: Device logs will not be stored on the remote syslog server.
On: Device logs will be stored on the remote syslog server.
Logging External Protocol
Specify which protocol to use toward the remote logging server. You can use either the
syslog protocol over TLS (Transport Layer Security), or the syslog protocol in plaintext. For
details about the syslog protocol, see RFC 5424.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: SyslogTLS
Value space: Syslog/SyslogTLS
Syslog: Syslog protocol in plain text.
SyslogTLS: Syslog protocol over TLS.
Logging External Server Address
Specify the address of the remote syslog server.
Requires user role: ADMIN
Default value: ""
Value space: String (0, 255)
A valid IPv4 address, IPv6 address or DNS name.
Device settings
Device settings