Cisco SCE 8000 10GBE Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Value-Added Services (VAS) Traffic Forwarding
Intelligent Traffic Mirroring
Traffic Mirroring and Bandwidth Management
In general, the bandwidth management rules to be applied to flows designated for mirroring are not
affected by the mirroring decision. However note the following points:
Bandwidth enforcement applies on the two copies of the flow as if there was only one copy; that is,
if the flow should be limited to 50K, then its original copy which is sent to the original destination
is limited to 50K, and the copy that is sent to the VAS server is also limited to 50K. This has no
effect on the total volume that should be mirrored.
The mirrored volume is not counted and accounted in the BWM system, and therefore in cases where
the mirrored traffic is congesting the link, the system will not be aware of the link congestion and
will not know to shrink the BWC.
Configuring Traffic Mirroring
Following is a high-level description of the steps in configuring traffic mirroring.
Configure the Cisco SCE platform— define the servers and the server groups
Configure which traffic goes to which server group using the SCA BB console.
Additional traffic mirroring configuration and monitoring options are available from the SCA BB
Console. See the
Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide
Traffic mirroring is not compatible with regular VAS traffic forwarding.
Traffic mirroring configuration is distributed between the SCA BB console and the Cisco SCE platform
The Cisco SCE platform CLI configuration:
There are three broad aspects to traffic mirroring configuration in the Cisco SCE platform:
Configuring the VAS traffic link.
Configuring the VLAN tag per VAS server.
Associating servers with server groups.
The health check is not relevant to traffic mirroring, so there is no need to configure anything related
to the VAS health check.
SCA BB console configuration—Configure the traffic mirroring rules, specifying which portion of
the subscriber traffic should be mirrored to the VAS servers.
This configuration is defined per package so different subscribers can receive different mirroring
service, based on the package they bought.