Cisco SCE 8000 10GBE Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Managing Subscribers
Information About Subscribers
manager name
aging time
lease time
is-static flag
Only the active Cisco SCE platform communicates with the SM. The SM is aware of the active/standby
state of each Cisco SCE platform, and is also aware of a failover.
Specifically, this means the following:
In push mode, the SM pushes events to the active Cisco SCE platform, which updates the standby
Cisco SCE platform.
In pull mode, only the active Cisco SCE platform pulls subscribers from the SM.
The standby Cisco SCE platform can create anonymous subscribers based on the updates received
from the active Cisco SCE platform, but does not generate pull-response for them.
If Cisco SCE-SM connection failure, the SM handles the Cisco SCE recovery of the active Cisco
SCE platform only. The active Cisco SCE platform propagates the information to the standby Cisco
SCE platform.
Anonymous Groups and Subscriber Templates
An anonymous group is a specified IP range, possibly assigned a subscriber template. When an
anonymous group is configured, the Cisco SCE platform generates anonymous subscribers for that group
when it detects traffic with an IP address that is in the specified IP range. If a subscriber template has
been assigned to the group, the anonymous subscribers generated have properties as defined by that
template. If no subscriber template has been assigned, the default template is used.
Anonymous groups can have overlapping IP ranges. When the Cisco SCE detects traffic for an IP address
which is contained in more than one anonymous group, the group with the longest prefix is used to create
the anonymous subscriber for that IP address.
Subscriber templates are identified by a number from 0-199. Subscriber templates 1-199 are defined in
csv formatted subscriber template files. However, template #0 cannot change; it always contains the
default values.
If an anonymous group is not explicitly assigned a template, the group uses template #0.
Important Information
Maximum number of anonymous groups—5000 for IPv4 and 1000 for IPv6
Maximum rate of creating anonymous subscribers—360 per second
Maximum number of subscriber templates—200 (numbered 0-199)