Cisco SCE 8000 10GBE Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 6 Global Configuration
Configuring Cisco Discovery Protocol
summarizes the CDP state and modes behavior in the Cisco SCE 8000.
When CDP is either not running or disabled at the interface level, CDP packets are discarded and CDP
packets are not generated, regardless of the CDP mode.
CDP Limitations on the Cisco SCE 8000
CDP as currently supported on the Cisco SCE 8000 has the following limitations:
CDP is supported on traffic interfaces only (including cascade ports).
CDP is currently managed by CLI only. There is currently no SNMP support for CDP on the
Cisco SCE 8000.
CDP always sends version 2 CDP packets. However it may receive v1 or v2 packets
Configuring CDP on the Cisco SCE 8000 Platform
To configure CDP, perform the tasks in the following sections:
Enabling CDP Globally, page 6-22
Enabling CDP on a Specific Traffic Interface, page 6-23
Setting the Hold Time, page 6-24
Enabling CDP Globally
By default, CDP is enabled on the Cisco SCE 8000. If you prefer not to use the CDP device discovery
capability, use the following command to disable it.
From the SCE(config)# prompt, type:
Table 6-2
CDP Modes in the Cisco SCE 8000
CDP Mode
"cdp run" AND "cdp enable"
"no cdp run" OR "no cdp enable"
Received CDP packets processed
CDP packets generated
Received CDP packets discarded
CDP packets not generated
Received CDP packets bypassed (not processed)
CDP packets not generated
Received CDP packets discarded
CDP packets not generated
Received CDP packets processed and bypassed
CDP packets not generated
Received CDP packets discarded
CDP packets not generated
cdp run
Disables CDP.