Cisco SCE 8000 10GBE Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Configuring the Management Interface and Security
Configuring and Managing the SNMP Interface
SNMP Walk Acceleration for linkServiceUsage Queries
The time taken for the SNMP walk on any of the linkServiceUsage queries is reduced considerably.
The SNMP walk acceleration enables Cisco SCE 8000 device to perform SNMP queries for LinkUsage
MIB queries in background and cache the results. This may result in more CPU utilization.
The following queries are accelerated:
snmpbulkwalk on linkServiceUsageUpVolume
snmpbulkwalk on linkServiceUsageDownVolume
snmpbulkwalk on linkServiceUsageNumSessions
snmpbulkwalk on linkServiceUsageDuration
snmpbulkwalk on linkServiceUsageConcurrentSessions
snmpbulkwalk on linkServiceUsageActiveSubscribers
snmpwalk on complete linkServiceUsageTable
Use the following commands to enable, disable, and show the SNMP query acceleration for
linkServiceUsage queries:
snmp-server accelerate-query
show snmp-server accelerate-query
How to Enable SNMP Query Acceleration
From the SCE(config)#> prompt, type:
SNMPv3 Configuration Example
SCE8000#> configure
SCE8000(config)#> snmp-server view IPView OID operation include
SCE8000(config)#> snmp-server view IfView OID operation include
SCE8000(config)#> snmp-server group ipGroup 3 authNoPriv read-view IPView
SCE8000(config)#> snmp-server group ifGroup 3 authPriv read-view IfView write-view IfView
SCE8000(config)#> snmp-server group ifGroupReadOnly 3 noAuthNoPriv read-view IfView
SCE8000(config)#> snmp-server user ipUser group ipGroup auth MD5-auth auth-pass-phrase
Note: Do not forget to enable the SNMP agent after all the user configuration, to make
them active.
SCE8000(config)#> snmp-server user ipUser01 group ipGroup auth SHA-auth auth-pass-phrase
Note: Do not forget to enable the SNMP agent after all the user configuration, to make
them active.
SCE8000(config)#> snmp-server user ifUserNoAuth group ifGroupReadOnly
Note: Do not forget to enable the SNMP agent after all the user configuration, to make
them active.
SCE8000(config)#> snmp-server user ifUserRW group ifGroup auth SHA-auth auth-pass-phras
passwordsha priv AES-priv priv-pass-phrase passwordaes
Note: Do not forget to enable the SNMP agent after all the user configuration, to make
them active.
snmp-server accelerate-query
linkServiceUsage query
Enables the SNMP query acceleration.