Cisco SCE 8000 10GBE Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Managing Subscribers
Monitoring Subscribers
Clearing the Subscriber Database Counters
From the SCE# prompt, type:
Displaying Subscribers
Displaying Subscribers: All Current Subscriber Names, page 10-22
Displaying Subscribers: By Subscriber Property or Prefix, page 10-23
How to Display Subscribers: By Mapping (IP Address, VPN, or VLAN ID), page 10-25
You can display the names of all subscribers.
You can also display specific subscriber name(s) that meet various criteria:
A subscriber property is equal to, larger than, or smaller than a specified value.
Subscriber name matches a specific prefix or suffix.
Mapped to a specified IP address range.
Mapped to a specified VLAN ID.
Use the following commands to display subscribers:
show interface linecard 0 subscriber all-names
show interface linecard 0 subscriber [amount] [prefix ‘prefix’] [property ‘propertyname’
equals|greater-than|less-than ‘property-val’]
show interface linecard 0 subscriber [amount] prefix ‘prefix’
show interface linecard 0 subscriber [amount] suffix ‘suffix’
show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping IP ‘iprange’ [VPN 'vpn-name']
show interface linecard 0 subscriber [amount] mapping intersecting IP ‘iprange [VPN 'vpn-name']
show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping VLAN-id ‘VLAN-id’
Displaying Subscribers: All Current Subscriber Names
You can display the names of all subscribers currently in the Cisco SCE subscriber database.
From the SCE> prompt, type:
clear interface linecard 0 subscriber db
Clears the “
” and “
” counters.
Command Purpose
show interface linecard 0 subscriber all-names
Displays the names of all subscribers currently in
the Cisco SCE subscriber database.