Cisco SCE 8000 10GBE Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 9 Raw Data Formatting: The RDR Formatter and NetFlow Exporting
Configuring Data Destinations and Categories
The forwarding mode is defined for the entire RDR formatter, not just one category. Since the category
“prepaid” goes to only one destination, the forwarding mode is irrelevant. It is relevant, however to the
“billing” category, since it goes to two different destinations.
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter forwarding-mode multicast
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter category number 1 name billing
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter category number 2 name prepaid
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter destination port 33000 priority 40 protocol
NetFlowV9 transport udp
SCE(config)# no rdr-formatter destination port 33000 category name prepaid
protocol NetFlowV9 transport udp
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter destination port 33000 category name billing
priority 90 protocol NetFlowV9 transport udp
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter destination port 33000 category name prepaid priority
80prepaid priority 80 protocol NetFlowV9 transport udp
Example 5
Finally, the following example illustrates a configuration with three categories and three destinations, as
follows (
Category 1: 'Billing", RDRv1 protocol, goes to Destination 1
Category 2: "Prepaid", RDRv1 protocol, goes to Destinations 1 and 2
Category 3: "Special Prepaid", NetFlow V9 protocol, goes to Destination 3, RDRv1 protocol goes
to Destination 2
Figure 9-6
Configuring Destinations: Three Categories and Two Protocols
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter forwarding-mode multicast
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter category number 1 name billing
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter category number 2 name prepaid
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter category number 3 name special-prepaid
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter destination port 33000 category name billing
priority 90 category name prepaid priority 80 protocol RdrV1 transport tcp
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter destination port 33000 category name prepaid
priority 90 category name special-prepaid priority 80 protocol RdrV1 transport tcp
SCE(config)# rdr-formatter destination port 33000 category name special-prepaid
priority 90 protocol NetFlowV9 transport udp
"Special Prepaid" Netflow
"Special Prepaid" RDRv1
Destination 2
Destination 3
Destination 1
RDR Formatter
SCE platform