Catalyst 3550 Multilayer Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 17 Configuring System Message Logging
Configuring System Message Logging
Synchronizing Log Messages
You can configure the system to synchronize unsolicited messages and debug privileged EXEC
command output with solicited device output and prompts for a specific console port line or virtual
terminal line. You can identify the types of messages to be output asynchronously based on the level of
severity. You can also determine the maximum number of buffers for storing asynchronous messages for
the terminal after which messages are dropped.
When synchronous logging of unsolicited messages and debug command output is enabled, unsolicited
device output is displayed on the console or printed after solicited device output is displayed or printed.
Unsolicited messages and debug command output is displayed on the console after the prompt for user
input is returned. Therefore, unsolicited messages and debug command output are not interspersed with
solicited device output and prompts. After the unsolicited messages are displayed, the console again
displays the user prompt.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure synchronous logging:
Step 1
configure terminal
Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
line [console | vty] line-number
Specify the line to be configured for synchronous logging of
Use the console keyword for configurations that occur through
the switch console port.
Use the line vty line-number command to specify which vty
lines are to have synchronous logging enabled. You use a vty
connection for configurations that occur through a Telnet
session. The range of line numbers is from 0 to 15.
You can change the setting of all 16 vty lines at once by entering:
line vty 0 15
Or you can change the setting of the single vty line being used for
your current connection. For example, to change the setting for vty
line 2, enter:
line vty 2
Entering this command changes to line configuration mode.
Step 3
logging synchronous [level severity-level |
all] [limit number-of-buffers]
Enable synchronous logging of messages.
(Optional) For level severity-level, specify the message severity
level. Messages with a severity level equal to or higher than this
value are printed asynchronously. Low numbers mean greater
severity and high numbers mean lesser severity. The default is 2.
(Optional) Specifying level all means that all messages are
printed asynchronously regardless of the severity level.
(Optional) For limit number-of-buffers, specify the number of
buffers to be queued for the terminal after which new messages
are dropped. The default is 20.
Step 4
Return to privileged EXEC mode.