Programmable DC Power Supply (with Solar Array Simulation) 62000H Series
Operating & Programming Manual
Configuration Page
When in Configuration page, the present network configuration will be read automatically and
displayed on the message block [1].
(1) Message block [1]: It displays the network configuration for editing. The IP address,
Subnet mask, Default Gateway and DNS Server(s) are defined by TCP/IP Configuration
Mode for editing. It is editable if set to Manual and unable to edit when set to
(2) Refresh button: This function refreshes the configuration page by reading the associate
info again to display on the message block [1].
(3) LAN Configuration Initialize button: It initializes the network to return to the factory
default without using the settings made in the message block [1]. A password
confirmation will appear before executing this function. (No confirmation is required if the
system password is blank.)