Heat Manager Pro User Manual V1.5 Page 73
Here is a short step-by-step instruction on how to import a previously stored CSV file into
Microsoft Excel 2010 and divide the measured process values by 10, since the measurements
are done with 1 number behind the comma accuracy.
This instruction assumes you have already basic knowledge about Microsoft Excel 2010. If not:
please consult the corresponding manual.
It can be that your version of Microsoft Excel (or another spreadsheet program) slightly differs
from this instruction, please consult the manual of that specific program for extra information on
how to do this.
1) Open new worksheet
2) Data \from text
3) Text files-import
4) Separated
5) Separation characters
– comma and text indicator
6) Set per column what each specific column is (when possible). Especially the date
7) Finish: the data is now in the right columns
8) Add a new column next to a column with measurements
9) Enter formula on 1
position in the newly entered column (e.g. =A3/10)
10) With the mouse: click on the newly calculated value and grab the right bottom of the
11) highlighted square (left click)
12) Put this new column in a graph (x=time, y=new column) with 1 decimal point.
This instruction is based on the instruction found on the internet (unfortunately in Dutch), see:
Since the end of 2014, there are two other options available for importing the stored .CSV file:
An automatic Excel 2010 macro that automatically imports the .CSV file and displays the
A separate windows application that can directly read your .CSV file, together with the batch
information. It automatically generates a WORD file with the graph in it with your custom
company logo as a watermark in the back of the graph.
Contact your supplier for details if you are interested in these options.