Heat Manager Pro User Manual V1.5 Page 16
This part of the manual describes the operation of the Heatmanager Pro in more detail. The
Heatmanager Pro can operate in the so-called normal and easy mode. The normal mode is
more suitable for a stationary oven process whereas the easy mode has been developed for
quick on-site work.
If you want you can also use the easy mode for a stationary kiln, or the normal mode for on-site
welding work. That all depends on the situation and the work-piece. You can quickly adapt the
Heatmanager Pro to this, even on-site, when desired.
The major differences between the normal and easy operation modes are:
Normal mode
Easy mode
Profile up to 7
ramp/soak segments
Simple profile consisting of 1 ramp up, 1 soak, 1 ramp
down and 1 end temperature
For the rest both modes work the same. The main difference is the way you program the
The following part of the manual describes the operation of the Heatmanager Pro in these
modes. Don’t confuse the easy mode with the normal mode (and vice-versa).