CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
Range: 0.0~180.0
Default: 110.0
External brake
off current limit
Unit: %
The output current needs to be higher than EA.02 when the AC drive
begins to accelerate from the frequency of EA.01.
Base value is motor rated current.
Range: 0.00~10.00
Default: 0.50
External brake
off delay time
Unit: Sec
If the output current is higher than EA.02 and the output frequency
reaches EA.01,the Y terminal allocated with function No.44 "External
brake control" becomes OFF when the lasting time exceeds EA.03.
Range: 0.00~10.00
Default: 1.00
pause time for
external brake off
Unit: Sec
The AC drive stops accelerating for the time set by EA.04 when the Y
terminal allocated with function No.44"External brake control" becomes
OFF.Then it begins to accelerate.
Please set this parameter to suitable value according to the release time
of mechanical brake.
Range: 0.00~10.00
Default: 2.00
External brake on
frequency limit
Unit: Hz
When received a stop command,the AC drive decelerates to run at the
frequency of EA.05,and then the Y terminal allocated with function No.44
"External brake control" becomes OFF after the time set by EA.06.
Range: 0.00~10.00
Default: 0.00
External brake on
waiting time
Unit: Sec
See the parameter description of EA.05.
Range: 0.00~10.00
Default: 1.00
Stop delay time
after external
brake on
Unit: Sec
The AC drive goes to stop mode after the delay time set by EA.07 when
the Y terminal allocated with function No.44"External brake control"
becomes ON.This action is used to make sure that the mechanical brake
completely pulls.