CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
Range: 0.0~3000.0
Default: 0.0
X2 terminal
delay time
Unit: Sec
Delayed response time to set the X2 terminal of the input signal
Range: 0.0~3000.0
Default: 0.0
X3 terminal
delay time
Unit: Sec
Delayed response time to set the X3 terminal of the input signal
Through the
three parameters, you can set the X1~X3 terminal input
signal response delay time, and further enhance the three switch input terminal of the
antijamming ability.
The state changes of terminal include two kinds of situations.”From the broken
open to clo
sed ”and “From the closed to broken open”.
Exactly the terminal delay time can be used with C0.00(terminal filter time) at
the same time, X1,X2 and X3 terminal signal first passes through the filter, and
then delay the time setting, and then the AC drive takes action.
X terminals except X1,X2,
X3 haven’t the delay timing function.
All X terminals(include virtual and logic output),shall be functional exclusion.
Range: 0~3
Default: 0
command mode
Exactly the run command given by terminals have four different ways.
0: Two lines 1
“Forward run”terminal input forward run command.
“Reverse run”terminal input reverse run command.
1: Two lines 2
“Forward run”terminal input run stop command.
“Reverse run”terminal input run direction.
2: Three lines 1
“Forward run”terminal input forward run command.
“Reverse run”terminal input reverse run command.
“Three lines run enable”terminal input run enable.
3: Three lines 2
“Forward run”terminal control the AC drive run and stop.
“Reverse run”terminal decides the direction.
“Three lines run enable”terminal control run enable.
Terminal command mode is invalid for JOG.
Take X1, X2 and X3 three switch input terminal to explain the four ways defined by C0.17.
X1, X2 and X3 can be any three X terminals in actual use.