Page 62
in Smart Controller terminal port plugs and secured
by the clamping screws. If any wire end condition is
uncertain, remove wire ends, then carefully re-strip
and re-install.
Ready lights must be wired according to color code
to function properly. Refer to “Wiring Detail, Fluid
Solenoid valve and Ready Light”,
[Figure 29, Page 21]
Check wire nut or crimp connections at the sole-
noids. Re-strip and fi x any poorly crimped or
attached wiring.
Check fl uid solenoid valves for correct fl uid port
connections: 1=out, 2=in.
Check Air Solenoid Valve wiring to see that it
correctly matches the diagram in “Wiring Detail
Air Solenoid”,
[Figure 28 and 28B, Page 21]
Verifying that Inactive SC
Ports are Turned Off
At the queuing console, conclude or cancel all dis-
penses in queue. Then turn OFF the power switch
on the back of the console.
Turn ON the power switch on the back of the con-
sole. After the display shows “SPECTRUM 100
SP3, Page 39]
. Complete steps 1 through 7. In step 7,
check to be sure that the active valve ports displayed
corrrectly match your intended fl uid setup at each
station. If no changes are required, press “NEW” to
immediately escape the routine. Else, turn ports ON
or OFF as needed and complete the remainder of the
procedure, including magnetic identifi cation of SC’s.
At the queuing console, turn the power switch on
the back of the console OFF and then ON.
The display will show SPECTRUM 100 IDLE
after completing a self-test cycle. If you made any
active port changes, they are now updated in console
Save console setup changes to back-up memory
in the AIR SC by completing the entire PROCE-
[Procedure SP6,
Page 43]
Repair Procedures
(RP): System Repair or Expansion
At the queuing console, turn the power switch on
the back of the console OFF and then ON. The
display will show SPECTRUM 100 IDLE after complet-
ing a self-test cycle. It is ready to resume dispense
Troubleshooting Smart
Controller Problems
If you experience diffi culty with the magnetic polling
process during Smart Controller installation, refer
to the fl ow chart titled “Cannot Magnetically Poll SC’s”
Page 55]
, and complete the specifi ed procedures.
Smart Controller malfunctions are frequently caused
by imperfect wiring in the Power/Signal cable seg-
ments. Complete the procedure: “Verifi cation of Com-
munications/Power Wiring”,
[Procedure RP9, Page 61]
Crossed wiring at solenoid valve ports can result in
failure to dispense fl uid when authorized or in loss
of ability to end a dispense job. Be sure that valve
wiring for fl uid 1 is attached to port 1, valve 2 to port
2, etc. Refer to the Confi guration Worksheeet which
has been prepared for your system.
Transient errors may occur during system opera-
tions that are not quickly reproduced when testing.
Use the procedure: “Test All SC’s”,
[Procedure SP8,
page 45]
to run an extended test of Spectrum network
communications. If a fault occurs, the test will gener-
ate an error message which can then be used in the
diagnosis charts.
In an installed system it may be diffi cult to deter-
mine the address of a smart controller. Use the
“SC Comm Test”,
[Procedure SP9, page 46]
to send
test signals to a specifi c controller. Then, in the ser-
vice bays, look for the SC with lighted LED’s. The test
is also useful for extended testing of a single Smart
Controller. If a fault occurs, the test will generate an
error message which can then be used in the diag-
nosis charts.
At any installed and operating Smart Controller
the voltage across incoming terminations Power
(+) to Power (-) will be 15 to 24 volts DC. See
26, page 20].