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System Capacity:
The Spectrum 100
system has a control capacity
for dispensing 4 fl uids at 1-16 stations or 3 fl uid at
1-16 stations, or 2 fl uids at 1-32 stations, or 1 fl uid
at 1-64 stations.
Metering Method and Accuracy:
The Spectrum
system is equipped with electronic
digital impulse meters which provide fl ow measure-
ment of each dispensed fl uid, with +/- 0.5 percent
maximum measurement error. The system accom-
modates custom calibration of each meter for high
accuracy, including in-place fi eld calibration.
Job Queue and Concurrent Dispensing:
The Spectrum
system is capable of simultaneous
dispensing of unlike fl uids.
The Spectrum
system provides microprocessor-
programmed automated sequential dispensing from
a pre-authorized job queue, with provision for 4 jobs
in queue per fl uid, in addition to the active job.
The Spectrum
system provides, as a control option,
automated priority dispensing to a designated “quick
lube service” bay. Dispense jobs designated to
that station move automatically to fi rst place in the
queue program.
System Power and Control:
The Spectrum
system operates under digital
microprocessor program control, and uses 24 volt
DC to power components.
All solenoid-operated fl uid valves in the system use
24 volt DC power, with a maximum of 5 watts power
consumption per solenoid. Maximum operating
distance is 1100 feet from console to the farthest
operated valve.
Job Record Handling:
The Spectrum
system is equipped with a com-
munication port and optional support software to
allow dispense record data transfer to a host Personal
The Spectrum
system is equipped to use an optional
ticket printer, which prints on standard adding-
machine paper tape rolls. The printer is capable of
printing a record of each dispense job and associated
data, as well as daily and monthly historic dispense-
log reports.
Specifi cations:
Product Specifi cations
Dispense Control and Tracking:
The Spectrum
system control program is protected
from unauthorized dispensing operations. PIN
identifi cation codes are assignable for all operators,
with reserved priority PIN numbers for program
management and equipment set-up functions.
Tank Level Monitoring:
The Spectrum
system maintains and displays
electronic tank level records, including current tank
level, tank capacity and tank low-alert levels. The
system also displays an alert message whenever
low levels are reached.
Operating Pressure and Flow Ranges:
Fluid solenoid valves used with the Spectrum
system are rated for 1500 psi working pressure. Air
solenoid valves used with pumps in the Spectrum
system are rated for 200 psi working pressure.
Impulse meters used with the Spectrum
are rated for 1000 psi working pressure. Spectrum
system components are compatible with fl uid fl ow
rates of 0-6.0 gallons per minute.
Ready Lights:
Each dispense point is equipped with a signal
light to indicate readiness to dispense. The lights
are actuated and automatically sequenced by the
Queuing Console
System Automated Self-test:
The electronic controls in the Spectrum
system are
equipped to conduct a system self-testing diagnostic
procedure each time the console is powered up.
Compatible Fluids:
system components are compatible
with automotive service fluids: petroleum and
synthetic motor oils, gear oil, ATF, ethylene glycol
(not windshield washer fl uid).
DANGER: Not for use with fl uids that
have a fl ash point below 100 Deg F (38
Deg C, examples: gasoline, alcohol).
Sparking could result in an explosion
which could result in death.