User account management
The software includes a default Administrator user account with permissions (defined
by the account user role) to perform all functions in the software. You cannot modify
this account.
In the QuantStudio
Real-Time PCR Software, select Tools
In the Security Settings dialog box, select the Users tab. In the Users tab, you can
perform the actions in the following table:
Create a user account
1. Click Create to display the New User dialog box.
2. Enter user name, password, first name, middle initial (optional), and last name.
Click a field to display the field limits, which are specified in Security settings.
First name, MI (middle initial), and last name are used to create User Full
Name, which is displayed as the name of the logged-in user.
You cannot change the user name after you save the user account.
3. Select Password Expires at First Login to require the user account to specify a
new password at first log in. The Password Expires On date is specified in
Security settings.
4. Select the user role (described in “Create or edit a user role“ on page 135) and the
electronic signature state (determines if a user account has permission to
electronically sign objects).
Leave the status set to ACTIVE.
5. (Optional) Enter email (for information only), phone, and comments.
6. Click Save.
A shaded Save button indicates an invalid entry in a field. Click a field to display
the limits for the field, then enter a valid entry.
Edit a user account
1. In the Users screen, select a user account, then click Edit.
If you select multiple users, only Status and Role will change.
2. Edit settings as needed. You cannot edit the user name of an existing user.
3. Click Save.
Activate a suspended user
1. In the Users screen, select the user.
2. Click Edit.
3. Change the Status from SUSPENDED to ACTIVE, then click Save.
Disable (inactivate) a user
You cannot delete a user, because user records are required for
auditing. To disable a user account, inactivate it as follows.
1. In the Users screen, select the user.
2. Click Edit.
3. Change the Status from ACTIVE to INACTIVE, then click Save.
Create or edit
user accounts
Appendix E
Security, audit, and electronic signature
User account management
6 and 7 Flex Real-Time PCR Systems v1.6 Maintenance and Administration Guide