ADV8005 Hardware Reference Manual
Figure 75 HPS effect of hps_phase_sel_downsample
In order to perform downscaling of video standards with pixel clocks greater than 162MHz, it will be necessary to go through the HPS before
routing the video to either the PVSP or SVSP.
For video standards in which after the HPS block the horizontal resolution is bigger than 1920 pixels/line, it is mandatory to go through the SVSP.
Figure 76 Using the HPS to Downscale the 4K2K video
If the horizontal resolution of the video stream after the HPS is 1920 or less pixels, it is also possible to route the video through the PVSP.
Figure 77 Using the HPS to downscale to downscale to less than 1920 horizontal pixels
HPS Upscaling
When upscaling video streams with pixel clocks greater than 162MHz or with horizontal resolutions larger than 1920 pixels (but smaller than
3840) to video modes with pixel clocks greater than 162MHz, the input video has to be routed to the HPS followed by the PVSP. E.g. VESA
2048x1152 (162MHz) to 4K, VESA 2560x1600 (Reduced Blanking, 268MHz) to 4K.
Figure 78 HPS Upscaling
When processing video standards with pixel clocks greater than 162MHz and more than 3840 pixels/lines, a combination of HPS, SVSP and
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