Maintenance, repair and care
Citan BAG0014.4 09.14
Settings on the slack adjuster (Fig. 134/4)
Manually actuate the slack adjuster in direction
of pressure. Re-adjust the wheel brake if a dead
range of max. 35 mm on the long stroke dia-
phragm cylinder pressure bar is noticeable.
The setting is carried out on the hex. adjusting
screw of the slack adjuster. Set the dead range
"a" to 10 – 12 % of the connected brake lever
length "B",
lever length 150 mm = dead range 15 – 18 mm.
Fig. 139
Setting on the automatic slack adjuster
The basic setting is carried out according to the instructions given for
the standard slack adjuster. Automatic re-adjustment at a cam turning
of approx. 15°.
The ideal lever position (cannot be influenced, due to the cylinder
fixing) is approx. 15° prior to its right angling in direction of actuation.
Function check for automatic slack adjuster (Fig. 134/6)
1. Remove the rubber seal cap.
2. Use the ring spanner to turn back the set-
ting screw (arrow) by about ¾ turn in coun-
ter clockwise direction. A dead range of at
least 50 mm at a lever length of 150 mm is
3. Repeatedly actuate the brake lever by
hand. Care for a smooth automatic re-
adjustment with an audible catching of the
denture clutch. At the return stroke the set-
ting screw slightly turns in clockwise direc-
4. Mount the seal cap.
5. Lubricate by using BPW-special long-term
Fig. 140