Citan BAG0014.4 09.14
Half side shut off
Half side shutting off on machines with two me-
tering units:
1. Fold down the machine.
2. Apply the parking brake, stop the tractor
engine and remove the ignition key.
3. Remove one of the two lynch pins (Fig.
In order to shut off the right machine side
remove the right hand lynch pin seen in
driving direction. The drive of the right hand
metering roller is interrupted.
For the half side shut off on machines with full
electric metering, please see the operator's
manual for AMATRON 3.
Fig. 100
Setting the wheel mark eradicator
1. For setting the wheel mark eradicator tines
slightly lift the rear frame with the aid of the
tractor hydraulics and apply appropriate
2. Set the wheel mark eradicator tines to the
correct position (tractor track) and bolt on.
3. Set the working depth by re-inserting the
pin (Fig. 101/2) in the toothing of the eradi-
cators (Fig. 101/1) and secure using a lynch
Fig. 101