Maintenance, repair and care
Citan BAG0014.4 09.14
Identification of hydraulic hoses
The identification provides the following in-
Fig. 133/...
(1) Manufacturer's identification for the hydrau-
lic hose line.
(2) Date of production of the hydraulic hose
circuit (04/12 = December, 2004)
(3) Max. permissible operating pressure (bar).
Fig. 133
Maintenance intervals
After the first 10 operating hours and thereafter every 50 operat-
ing hours
1. Check all components of the hydraulic system for leaks.
2. If necessary retighten the joints..
Prior to any putting to operation
1. Check the hydraulic hose circuits for obvious defects.
2. Remedy any rubbing points on hydraulic hoses and tubes.
3. Exchange worn or defective hydraulic hoses immediately.
Inspection criterion for hydraulic hose circuits
Please adhere to the following inspection criterion. This serves
your own safety!
Replace the hydraulic hoses if the following inspection criterion
are noticed:
Defects from the casing to the inner lining (e.g. rubbing points,
cuts, tears).
Check whether the hose casing is brittle (tears in the hose mate-
Check hose for deformation which deviate from the common
shape of the hose or which do not correspond to the hose circuit.
This applies both to the pressure free and the pressurised condi-
tion or when bending the hose (e.g. separation of layers, bub-
bles, buckling, squeezing).
Damage or deformation of the hose fitting (tightness is affected),
slight surface damage is no reason for a replacement..
Movement of the hose out of the fitting.
Corrosion on the fitting which affects function and strength.
Demands on the assembly not observed.
The 6 years' period of use has been exceeded.
The permissible period of use of 6 years is exceeded.
Decisive is the date of production of the hydraulic hose on the
fitting plus 6 years. If the date of production on the fitting is
"2004" the operational life will end in February, 2010. For this,
please refer to "Identification of hydraulic hoses“.