When the clock runs ten seconds slow, the correction factor should be PLUS 10, when the clock runs 25
seconds fast, the correction factor should be MINUS 25.
Press <?> <2> <6> <#>, followed by a level 5 or 6 code. The following message will appear in the display:
RTC Correction
factor: .. plus
Enter the number of seconds (00-99), followed by the <#> key to confirm. Now the cursor jumps to the
“plus” text. Press any key but the <#> and the <*> keys to change this to “min” and back. Select the
required option and press <#> to confirm. When this is done, press <*> to return to the main menu.
When already a correction factor has been entered before, e.g. + 10, and the internal clock is still
running 5 seconds slow, the correction factor should be changed to +15.
When the AlphaVision NG is supplied with an AlphaCom NG plug-on dialler, the AlphaCom can be
programmed to synchronize the control panel time with the ISDN network time. In this way the clock will
always run correct.
Activating the maintenance function
Using function 27, the control panel can be set to maintenance mode. When <?> <2> <7> <#> is pressed,
followed by the installer code, the following message will appear on the display:
Press the <
> key. The following text will appear:
Under TEST: ON
00 hours
Now enter the number of hours the control panel must remain in the maintenance mode (up to 24). It is
possible to enter a new value at a later time. When the time entered here has passed, the control panel will
return to the normal state again.
Deactivating the maintenance function
Make sure the alarm reports are erased first, by disarming the system twice with a user code. When this is
not done, the restore reports of the alarms will be send to the monitoring station the next time the system is
armed or disarmed.
The maintenance function can be deactivated by executing the function again and, when the following text
appears in the screen,
Under TEST: ON
01 hour 59 min.
pressing the <
> key, followed by the <#> key to confirm. Make sure the message “MAINTENANCE” is
deleted from the display!
Control panel functioning during Maintenance mode
When the control panel is set to the maintenance mode, the dialler and the alarm outputs are disabled.
Arming and disarming can be done with user codes, also when instant zones are open. When zones are open
during arming, this is not reported on the keypads before the zone is closed and opened again. The entry and
exit delay buzzers of the keypads function as usual.
AlphaVision NG installation manual Rev. 2.0 27-08-2003 Blz. 83/101