iLive Reference Guide – Firmware
Part 2 - 85
AP6526-2 iss.4
Update Firmware
This page lets you load new firmware into the
. The process is very quick and easy. It automatically identifies
firmware present on your USB key, checks if it is different to that
currently loaded, identifies which of the TouchScreen, Surface and
MixRack need updating, and prompts you to install it.
How to update the system firmware
The downloaded file
is extracted to a USB key which is then plugged into the surface for
the update to be performed. The MixRack, Surface and TouchScreen
are all updated at the same time.
iLive operating firmware is regularly updated with improvements and
new features. All iLive MixRacks and Surfaces run the same firmware.
for the latest version available.
Note 1:
Firmware version
1.6 and higher
will not install on early
iLive Surfaces fitted with the 1GHz
TouchScreen computer (SBC).
This affects only a few very early modular iLive Surfaces. Most
modular iLive and all fixed format T and R Series Surfaces are fitted
with the faster 1.5GHz SBC. If you attempt to update a 1GHz system
to V1.7 the firmware will load but an ‘Invalid Firmware Version’ screen
will appear after the update. You can restore the previous version
V1.54 from this screen. The older version is bundled as a backup
with this V1.7 update. The update to 1.5GHz SBC can be carried out
by your Allen & Heath service agent. This provides the benefit of
improved system speed.
Note 2:
All three parts of the system, the MixRack, Surface and
TouchScreen must be updat ed at the same time. For iLive to work
correctly all parts must run the same version. Make sure you update
all iLive systems in your inventory.
Note 3:
Do not use a USB key that has been partitioned. Use a key
with at least
100 MB
of free space. Delete or rename any existing
Firmware folder on the key.
Note 4:
Update your version of Editor software at the same time.
Make sure all users have the correct version of Editor installed on
laptops or touch tablets they intend to use with your iLive system.
Note 5:
The firmware
file transfer must not be interrupted
. Failure
to complete the transfer may result in firmware corruption of the iLive
which will require return to a service centre. Make sure the mains
power and connecting cables are reliable and that the system will not
be disturbed or switched off during the update.
There are two methods to update iLive firmware:
This only applies to very
early modular iLive
Surfaces that have not
been updated to the
faster 1.5GHz SBC.